Jeff Buckley, live at Wulfrun Hall, Wolverhampton, 2nd March 1995
Not the greatest of shows, nor recordings, of Jeffs today, but it has it merits; Some good banter with the crowd, who are rather rowdy at times. It starts off a bit mediocre but does pick up a bit during What Will You Say, one of the highlights of the set.
Some fuckhead has been reporting my posts here, and some of my files to 4shared, and as such some have been forcably removed. Not very cool. Ryan Adams shares his recordings openly, and though I'm not sure about Richard Hawley his show was a soundboard sourced recording, with the taper given permission to record it. I fail to see how these two are pissing anybody off. Maybe it's just me then...
Intro - Dream Brother
So Real
Last Goodbye
Eternal Life
Kick Out the Jams
What Will You Say
Lilac Wine
All I Ask
Mojo Pin
Lover, You Should've Come Over
Download samples, they're not in Zip
Buckley Wulfrun
Hi Buckleyberry! Thank you so much for this show! I still haven´t listened to every song but Kangaroo is (as always) breathtaking!! "Grace" is missing in the zip file...
Oopsie, I was in a rush when I posted this, forgot to check it was 100%. Sorted now :)
: )
THANK YOU! *startsdownloading*
Hey man, I hate to be a pain, but any chance of relinking/reupping What Will You Say - Mediafire just can't connect to that server, I've tried various days on different computers and it always just hangs.
As always MUCH appreciated for everything here.
I had the same problem with it Jim, and as I don't keep many files on my computer I can't re-up right now. I shall try to remember it for the future though.
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